
The oracle is the new system that we have integrated into CoinToFish that constantly adjusts the price of objects to the current value of the CTFT token.

Why oracle?

The oracle will keep the entry costs constant to ensure the entry of new players. By balancing rewards in real time, fixed dollar payouts are ensured. It ensures that the CTFT token is not depleted in a case of massive player entry.

How does it work?

If the CTFT token goes up:

  • Fish rewards go down

  • Eggs go down

  • Price of Rods, roulette, food, guild costs go down

  • Guild rewards go down

If the CTFT token falls in price:

  • Fish rewards will increase

  • Eggs will cost more coral

  • Rods, roulette, food, guild costs will go up,

  • Guild rewards will go up.

The value of the coral and the CTFT token remains 1 to 1.

Last updated